(吉隆坡21日讯)日马集团(JADEM,7043,主板工业产品服务组)计划以每股1令吉,发售最高达8000万股可赎回可转换优先(RCPS)新股,预期可筹得最多8000万令吉,供推动放贷业务及充作营运资本。 该公司董事部通过达证券发布文告指出,今日已与认购方Sycamore股票基金SP (策略投
Jade Marvel to derive synergies between incubator and money lending businesses
MAIN Market-listed Jade Marvel Group Bhd — formerly JMR Conglomeration Bhd — was a Penang-based property developer and asphaltic concrete manufacturer. Following the emergence of new shareholders and a board reshuffle over the past 12 months, it is changing course to be a business incubator-cum-money lender. Joint managing director (MD) Datuk David Khoo Yik
Jade Marvel acquires 51% stake in community credit services provider
KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 4): Jade Marvel Group Bhd has acquired a 51% stake in licensed community credit services provider MYK Capital Management Sdn Bhd for a purchase consideration of RM1.22 million. Jade Marvel, in a filing with the local bourse on Monday, said its wholly-owned subsidiary Total IPCO Sdn Bhd had entered into a Share […]
日马集团及源德集团联手打造 北马首家得来速借贷当铺 5分钟完成典当借贷手续
左起陈永桦、 拿督威拉陈盛炎局绅博士、拿督邱义祖以及张玮良分别代表源德集团及日马集团进行合作伙伴签署仪式。 新冠疫情严峻,企业经营模式也在求变,为提供更安全、更具隐私及快捷透明服务,日马集团及源德集团联手打造,开设北马首家得来速(Drive Through)借贷